All kids like to play with MUD!
Hand Building and Pottery Classes for Kids and Teens
When you sign up for a class, you’ll receive an email with additional information, but sometimes filters mistake us for junk mail! Please make us a contact, so you don’t miss any important info!
Wanna try it out and see if they like? Try a Handbuilding Session or Weekend Workshop!
Weekly Kids Hand Building Classes
Learn fun hand building techniques (Coils, Pinching, Slabs!) to create cool and unique work. Great for ages 7 and above. Functional and sculptural!
Sign up for our 8 class pack with flexible schedules. You do not have to come consecutively. (must be used within 3 months of purchase)
Rolling Enrollment, Begin when you want
$325 8 classes
Madison Mud
Tuesdays 4pm-5:15pm
Montclair Mud
Wednesdays 4-5:15pm
Thursdays 4pm-5:15pm
Saturdays 10am-11:15am
Mendham Mud
TBA- Interested in Kids Classes in Mendham? Please Email us with some days of the week that may work for you. We are trying feel out the schedule in this new location and would love to have your feedbackl
Weekly Teen Wheel Classes
Winter Two Classes will begin Feb 3
Teen Wheel:
Teens will learn the basics of throwing on the wheel, trimming off excess clay, and glazing or decorating fired pieces.
Teen Handbuilding and Sculpture:
Teens will learn the basics of handbuilding to create complex functional ware.
Perfect for artists in 7th grade and above. No experience necessary.
$375 for 8 weeks and unlimited open studio, includes 25lb clay
Madison Mud
Wednesdays 4pm-6pm -Wheel Class
Thursdays 4pm-6pm -Wheel Class
Montclair Mud
Tuesdays 4pm-6pm
Wednesday 4pm-6pm
Thursdays 4pm-6pm
Sundays 10:30am-12:30pm
Mendham Mud
Mondays 4pm-6pm
Saturdays 10:30am -1230pm